Winter time – mybuxi time
Since it has become colder, the demand for the mybuxi has increased significantly. In the Gotthard region, the passes are now mostly closed and preparations are being made for the winter season. It’s the best time to use the mybuxi for new discoveries. Do you have favourites in your region? Feel free to let us know at info@mybuxi.ch and we will present the best ones on our website www.mybuxi.ch.
Kind regards
Your mybuxi / EBuxi Team
PS: You are welcome to forward the newsletter. If you don’t receive it yet, you can subscribe here.

Your name on our next bus?
With the increasing demand, we are already “at the limit” again and need another vehicle. We have started a crowdfunding campaign on the wemakeit platform. It runs until Saturday, 10.12.2022.
Do you support us? Forward the campaign to as many friends and acquaintances as possible – the more, the better!
If you support us, we will “immortalise” your name on the new vehicle – if you want us to! Companies even have the option of donating an entire vehicle, in which case we will design one vehicle together (this is also possible independently of the crowdfunding campaign – email info@mybuxi.ch for more information).
We need the next bus for use in different areas so that waiting times are not too long.
We are not yet active in your region? Tell us here where you want us to go next!

The dear technology
Problems with the new app version
Sometimes things go wrong! The new version of the app has many improvements “in the background”, but unfortunately also contains a few very annoying bugs. For some passengers, these are noticeable, especially when starting the app. If you get stuck: please contact info@mybuxi.ch. We apologise for any inconvenience caused!
Telephone service
We cannot offer a telephone order service in Belp and Emmental. The reason: our team is too small to employ someone for a telephone service. External service providers charge CHF 5 per call – and nobody is willing to pay that. We tried it out: 4 calls in 6 months was the result. Therefore, we ask for your understanding until we find a solution.

Belp – Gantrisch
Well under way
The Belp mybuxi is increasingly gaining momentum. It is most often used for journeys between Belpberg and the village, mostly to the railway station. But the Riedli is also a frequently used location. 555 users have already registered in the system and we have already transported over 1300 passengers.
The Airport-Fitness is our first partner in Belp with its own stop: especially in winter after a strenuous workout, the mybuxi is ideal for the way home. Each company can have its own stop. If you are interested, simply email info@mybuxi.ch.
Drive yourself?
With the increasing demand, we need more drivers. Do you like driving and are you good at it? Then please contact us here or by email to belp@mybuxi.ch.
Further information: https://mybuxi.ch/fahrgaeste/regionen/belp/

EBuxi: satisfied users
How satisfied are our clients? This is what EBuxi wanted to know. The results were pleasing: they gave satisfaction an overall rating of 1.27 on a five-point scale from 1 (very good) to 5. The best ratings were given to the price/performance ratio, availability in terms of time and place, and the voluntary driving staff. The ordering app was assessed more critically. Many of the almost 100 participants added comments – mostly positive ones such as “simply ingenious! However, they also mentioned wishes such as an earlier start of service. EBuxi will examine these and other suggestions and implement them if possible. Details can be found here.
Trial operation will definitely
Good news for the customers in Thörigen and Bettenhausen (with Bollodingen): EBuxi will still be there for you after the trial phase. With a subsidy from the two municipalities, it works the same as before: You order your ride via app (if necessary by phone) and pay for it with 4 francs per person in cash or with Twint; EBuxi subscriptions are not valid. We serve Thörigen and Bettenhausen from 8pm on weekdays and 6pm Sat/Sun, when the asm buses close for the day. We serve the Bühl/Längacher neighbourhood all day.
Further information: https://ebuxi.ch/

Winter excursions
Winter can be enjoyed to the full in the Emmental. From Bern, Solothurn, Langenthal and other places, you can reach the Bijous easily with the BLS and mybuxi. Highlights: Christmas magic on the Lueg, a winter overnight stay in a sleeping barrel at the Schaukäsi, a fine evening meal in the Krone or in the Thalsäge.
Out into the fresh air with mybuxi
Even in the winter months it’s important to get some fresh air. The mybuxi takes you out of the fog into the sunshine and back again. Enjoy your hikes on the hills of the Emmental and take in the Alpine panorama. In our area of operation, there are ingenious vantage points for hiking and resting. Hiking tips: https://emmental.ch/de/erleben/aktive/huegel-wandern.html
To the club meeting or for sport with mybuxi
The days are shorter again, the weather is changing – it’s getting wet and cold. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t miss your weekly training or rehearsals. mybuxi takes you safely and easily to the gym or rehearsal venue. Or even to a cosy jass with your colleagues. Simply search for the next stop in the app and take a ride. Haven’t found a club yet? Here is the directory of Emmental clubs. You are responsible for a club and want to organise the arrival and departure better? Simply get in touch with us.
New drivers wanted
There is always more to do in Emmental: that’s why mybuxi Emmental is looking for more drivers. Do you like to be on the road and among people? Then this is the ideal job for you! Register using the form, for more information contact emmental@mybuxi.ch.
What can we do better? You can tell us here!

Gotthard region
Winter operation
In the Gotthard region, winter operation differs from summer more than in any other area. The pass roads are now closed again and the vehicles are made ready for winter. Great days in the snow beckon! The best way to get there is with the SOB, which has the right offer for all interests! In any case and in any weather, the concert hall is worth a visit! It rightly calls itself the “Cultural Centre of the Alps”!
Snow tours
mybuxi cooperates with the SAC and takes over the former snow tour bus Meiental. Info can be found here.
You can also become a partner on the Gotthard
As in Emmental and Belp, there are also various partnerships in the Gotthard region: whether you want to have your own stop in front of your business or even become a regional partner: simply contact us by email.
Further information: https://mybuxi.ch/fahrgaeste/regionen/gotthardregion/
No mybuxi in your region yet? Here you can tell us where to come. You can find more information about mybuxi on our website or on our LinkedIn channel. Do you want to tell us something? Just send an email to info@mybuxi.ch.
And remember: support our crowdfunding!